Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2012

home is where your heart is

I would not admit it - but I guess, I am in love with Berlin. I know, I know - it took a lot of time, but better late than never. Last time I've been there was only about two weeks ago, and I'm heading back next weekend :-) So brace yourself, the Berlin posts are coming! muahaha :-) :-)
But before that, I have to admit another thing: WINDOWSWEAR had such an inspiring influence on me, that you may find a couple of shopwindow photos here in the future. Hope, they expand their project to other European cities - like Berlin perhaps ;-) 

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

where to follow the little green monster?

As pappa B just begun to use online platforms in his spare time, he registered to several more social, but less communicative sites all over the world wide web. So the number of pages grew, while the little green monster got more and more confused. Finally, here is a list where you can follow pappa B - first would be this blog, yay? ;-)

First to mention would be definitely FACEBOOK. Pappa B joined that page right after going online with this blog. Probably only a platform to make propaganda for this blog, but it will get more cosy and informative when it grows bigger :-) But it's fun to share things that rapid!

Montag, 3. Dezember 2012

The Little Black Jacket / Berlin

Actually, I hadn't planned to fly to Berlin again, but destiny wanted me to go - and it was also my destiny, that the LITTLE BLACK JACKET EXHIBITION by KARL LAGERFELD also opened at that time, so it was out of question to visit it! I visited it twice, first with a lovely friend, and the second time with my dad and boyfriend who turned out to be the greatest frustrators of all time. They complained the whole time about "WHAT? This exhibition is only about one little black jacket? Are you kidding that we will look photos with people wearing the same jacket in each photograph?" Yes, I'm damn sure about that. The exhibition - as it name suggests - is about Chanel's famous little black jacket which might be after that only really enjoyable for fashionistas. 
The entry to the exhibition is free and each visitor gets a little present :-) 
(search for the exhibition at the subway station U2 at Potsdamer Platz)


Dienstag, 20. November 2012

my new love:

Only seconds ago I discovered my newest favourite fashionpage, and couldn't resist to show and share it with you! The concept is simple, but truly magnificent! It's all over with the most stunning and spectacular windows of stores from four different cities (New York, Milan, London, Paris). It's super easy to search the database, has been released only a few days ago - and the perfect timeout for fashionistas on the net! 
Just watch it and be amazed as I am at the moment :-) 

A short youtube video about the idea itself (before it has launched).
You can find also an article on ELLE.COM about this project.

Freitag, 16. November 2012

Dublin, baby! (day 1 & 2)

Finally, after a couple of months I had enough time to sort out and upload a few pictures from my trip to Dublin in August. Sadly, papaa Bento wasn't able to come with me, thanks to Ryanair who would have charged an extra fee for the little green monster. But instead of talking a lot again, enjoy the pictures - I may upload the rest next week ;-) 


Montag, 5. November 2012

blackberry 2.0

Because of the fantastic amount of exams I am going to have during November - and yeaah, it is Monday again! - I am only able to prepare a short post filled with pictures made with my BB. And what's up with papaa Bento? Well, he's sleeping, as he does the whole time when I study ;-) 

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012

Powerscourt Gardens

As promised before, here they are: pictures from the amazing Powerscourt Gardens in Ireland. I've been there with my boyfriend during my visit in august. Some trees in the garden have ten times bigger leaves than my hand, and you can also taste milk chocolate witch pistachio and rose, but I would not write or tell you a lot before; just look at the pictures, and if you are lucky enough to spend some time in Ireland or in the area of Dublin, visit it!!!

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

blackberry 1.0

Finally, I didn't had to work today - but it was surely one of my most boring monday's. So I ended up looking at old photos. Here are a couple from the last year, taken with my phone. :-)

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2012

the little green monster's playlist

As pappa B created a booklist before, he now wanted to let you know what he is listening to. It might be quite a mix up of all different genres. Almost mainstream.

Budapest. Budapest

First of all, sorry for the long break, but papaa B and I had a lot to do in the past weeks. But we can promise, we will give our best to show you all the cities and bars and and and we have been - from Dublin to Berlin, vom Passau to Vienna. And of course BUDAPEST

Montag, 23. Juli 2012


My mum said pappa B's blog is stupid - mainly because my Hungarian is not that good. So less text, more pictures ;) 

can't stop listening to Wankelmut - One day

   crushed ice - fresh watermelon & ginger - orange juice

Sonntag, 22. Juli 2012

sushisushisushi (berlin day 3 & 4 & ...)

After the first two days we spent with eating, eating and eating the whole time - we decided with pappa B to do the same in the next few days we are staying in Berlin. So on Sunday we started the day with eating, then with drinking a bottle Riesling at Tucholsky Straße with a friend at a bar which is called Bar (it was called Bar, but now it has a name - I am not able to remember that, so we still call it the bar called Bar). That was followed by the first round sushi for this week at TTP. If you love Sushi as much as pappa B and I do, you have to go to Ishin or TTP here in Berlin! It is cheap, and their fish is always fresh :) 
The other days we spent eating again, but this time Sushi at TTP, and some fried champignons and Cordon Blue at a typical German Pub near to the Tiergarten. 

Montag, 16. Juli 2012

back in da hood (berlinberlin day 1 & 2)

After pappa B's very last visit to Berlin in June he has been so exiting about coming back to town, I just couldn't stop him - so the little green monster hid in my suitcase until we crossed the German border with the train, where he got out of my bag and started smiling with no reason. Well, I was able to do anything but to smile - we had a delay about three hours, which is a very long term if you consider that the whole journey by train is about 13 hours. So I would have been one the happiest people on Earth without that plus three hours on train. Without air conditioner at the beginning of the trip in Hungary (35 degrees in the shade!!!), then when we managed to turn it on I felt like Sid from Ice Age - but in the wrong movie. 

We are doing nothing special since we have arrived. Eating, sleeping, drinking, shopping, eating, chilling, eating of course :)
Pappa B legutolsó berlini látogatása óta annyira izgatott volt, hogy végre visszatérhessen, hogy egyszerűen képtelen voltam féken tartani - így a kis zöld szörny bebújt a böröndömbe, és a német határ átlépése után kijött belőle. Onnantól kezdve ok nélkül mosolygott végig - bár nekem mindenre volt okom, csak mosolygásra nem - majdnem három órás késése volt a vonatunknak, ami eléggé hosszú idő ha azt is figyelembe vesszük, hogy az egész út alapból is már 13 órás. Így a világkerekség egyik legboldogabb embere lettem volna a három óra plusz vonatozás nélkül. Légkondicionáló nélkül indult a vonat Magyarországról (ahol 35°C volt az árnyékban!!!), majd sikerült beindíttatnunk a légkondicionálót, amiután úgy éreztem magam mint Sid az Ice Age-ben - csupán rossz filmben.

Mióta megérkeztünk nem csinálunk semmi különőset. Eszünk, alszunk, iszunk, vásárolunk, eszünk, pihenünk, és természetesen eszünk :) 

Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012

self portrait

After all the almost famous and the very famous real artists and self-declared artists, pappa B decided to do it like the great ones and made some self portraits of himself. We have to admit, that in most pictures he needed a little help because of his cute tiny arms - but there are as well photos he took on his own! So let the art lecture with the great ones begin (each linked to the sites where we found them)!

A sok kevésbé híres és nagyon ismert igazi és majdnem igazi művész után pappa B is úgy döntött, hogy követi a nagyok példáját és néhány önportrét készített magáról. Be kell vallanunk, néhány képnél segítenem kellett neki a kis rövid cukker kezecskéi miatt - de vannak a képek közt olyanok is, amiket saját maga készített! Akkor kezdjük el a nagyszerű alkotásokkal is átszőtt művészeti órát! (az összes kép az eredeti honlapjukhoz vezet)

Montag, 25. Juni 2012

black cow monday

like pappa B also on facebook :) (click here)

As pappa B told you in the post before it was raining almost the whole day today - yeah it's monday! - so we were staying in the house the whole day and tried a couple of things, like Black Cow! Yeah, right. It's called black cow and it is coke with vanilla ice. The cookbook (!) says it is a typical American drink - I think they just wanted to fill the place with a simple and cheap drink. Because the only thing you have to do to prepare a Black cow is to fill the coke into a glass, and then put vanilla ice on the top of it - et voilà, BLACK COW! 

pappa B's hometown: Lisbon (part I)

It is almost raining the whole day long, but even if it won't it wouldn't be a nicer monday - okay, at this point I have to thank God that it is raining, so I do not have to water the garden. So pappa B and I decided to chill out again in bed, and after doing a couple of other things we ended up looking at old photos from pappa B's hometown Lisbon, Portugal. Enjoy them too :) 

Mivel majdnem egész nap esett, s még ha nem is esett volna, akkor sem lett volna szebb hétfő - okay, ennél a pontnál meg kell köszönnöm, hogy esik, mert így nem kell meglocsólnom a kertet. Így pappa B-vel óugy döntöttünk, hogy ismét az ágyban pihenünk, és miután néhány másik dolgot csináltunk régi fényképek nézegetésénél lyukadtunk ki. Képek pappa Bento szülővárosáról Lisszabonról, Portugália. Élvezzétek ti is :) 

the little green monster's booklist

During the exams we were so excited with pappa B for the time after them - when after all the finance, marketing and maths books we could read what we want. So together we created a list of books, bought several ones during the last trip to Berlin and asked friends for advise. This post might be useful if you don't know what to read during the break or while chilling at a beach somewhere. 

Vizsgák alatt már annyira izgatottan vártuk pappa B-vel, hogy hosszú idő után - a sok pénzügy, marketing és matek könyv után végre azt olvashassunk, amit akarunk. Így közösen megírtunk egy könyvlistát, vettünk néhángy könyvet utolsó berlini útunkon és megkérdeztünk barátokat, hogy ők mit ajánlanak. Ez a bejegyzés akkor lehet hasznos ha nincs ötlet, hogy mit olvassatok a szünetben vagy a napos parton sütkérezve. 

Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012

sunday chill

As today it began to get warmer again, pappa B and I decided to stay nearly the whole day inside the house and just chill in front of the TV, read and cook something small. But then pappa B get a neonflash, and dressed up as a neon-hippie - collecting almost everything neon he could find in the house. Now the little guy is ready for bed.

Mivel ma újra elkezdett nagyon meleg lenni, pappa B-vel úgy döntöttünk, hogy a házban maradunk majdnem egész nap, és csak tévézünk, olvasunk és főzünk egy kicsit. Később pappa B még kapott egy enyhe neonflash-t, és felöltözött neon-hippienek - majdnem mindent összegyűjtve a házban ami csak neonszínű volt. Most már készen is van a lefekvéshez!

pappa B and the Old Lake

Yesterday evening pappa B wanted to join us to chill a little at the Old Lake in Tata and enjoy a concert at one bar there - but the poor little guy has drunken so much at home already, so he had to stay in bed. He had fun watching the photos in the morning, and the next time he will join us too ;) 

Tegnap este pappa B is velünk akart tartani egy kis kikapcsolódásra és koncertezésre a tatai Öreg tónál - de szegény pára annyit ivott már előtte, hogy otthon kellett maradnia. De élvezte a fotók nézegetését utólag, és legközelebb ő is velünk jön ;) 

pappa B's new favourite song of the TTBB is Száll, repül
pappa B új kedvenc száma a TTBB-től a Száll, repül. 

Samstag, 23. Juni 2012

Carneval is for beginners!

I was just searching around for
new ideas for posts when I found old photos of pappa B. He really loves to dress up as everything you can imagine! 

Csupán néhány új ötletet szerettem volna meríteni új bejegyzésekhez, mikor találtam néhány régi fotót pappa B-ről. Tényleg imád beöltözni mindennek, amit csak el lehet képzelni!

pappa B dressed as a Princess 

Freitag, 22. Juni 2012

Rostock and Warnemünde (GER)

After all I decided to have a smooth start - so this post will only contain a few pictures of pappa B's last trip to Rostock and Warnemünde (Germany). Even if you have only one day off (like we did) it is worth visiting! Especially to taste after all the delicious fish-dishes also a special crushed ice (with bubbles from the bubble-tea). 

Egy kis gondolkodás után úgy döntöttem, hogy egy kicsit lazán kezdődik a móka - tehát ebben a a posztban csak pappa B utolsó útjáról Rostock-ba és Warnemündé-be (Németország) lesznek képek. Még akkor is ha csak egy szabad nap áll a rendelkezésetekre (mint nekünk), megéri az utazás! Legfőképpen, hogy a sok ízletes halétel után a speckótutkó jégkását is meg lehet kostólni - amiben a Bubbletea-ből vannak benne a bogyókák.  

Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

papa B from Lisbon.

pappa Bento from Lisbon - started his first trip and career two years ago in 2010 - time to start bloggin' like all the others! But this time it's a nice guy from Lisbon named after Papa Bento, the Pope - who visited Lisbon exactly the same date as pappa B made his first trip from Lisbon to Berlin. 

pappa B loves everything what goes with fashion, loves to travel, read and eat. So it's not that difficult to figure out what this is all going to be about. 

pappa B

papa B taking a bath

papa B taking his first bath ever in Berlin
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